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Thanksgiving Dinner Drive

Fall 2023 - Class of 2027

This November, Form III will lead an effort to assemble and deliver hundreds of complete Thanksgiving dinners to families in our local communities. These meals come from your donations, so we need your help.

Each form is assigned specific items to donate. In addition, we need all students to help donate $20 grocery gift cards from Market Basket or Stop&Shop.

FOOD may be placed in the cardboard boxes distributed around campus.
GIFT CARDS should be turned in to your advisor.

Form Icanned cranberry sauce, canned yams
Form IIstuffing mix, packaged or canned gravy
Form IIIall-purpose potatoes (for mashing)
Form IVcanned yams, canned vegetables
Form Vstuffing mix, canned vegetables
Form VIcanned cranberry sauce, packaged or canned gravy

ALL FORMS: $20 grocery gift cards from Market Basket or Stop & Shop

Form III Thanksgiving Drive Box Making Meeting


Sextant Divider

Fall of 2022 - Thank you, Class of 2026

This year, 497 Thanksgiving meal boxes were created and delivered to families in need throughout the Belmont and Greater Boston area through the help of the entire School community, led by the Class of 2026. Thank you for your donations and time!