May 2 & 3∙2025
Alumni Reunion Weekend
Event Registration
Grand Alumni
Graduates who have celebrated their 50th Reunion are invited back each year.
Registration coming soon
Class of 1975 - 50th Reunion
Registration coming soon
Reunion Registration
Classes of 1980 through 2020 celebrating a 5-year milestone this May.
Registration coming soon
Sextant Divider
Saturday∙May 3∙2025
afternoon EVENTS
Luncheon 12:00-2:30
Children’s Activities 12:00-2:30
Campus Tours 1:00pm and 2:00pm
Belmont Hill Athletics TBD
Alumni & Faculty Memorial Program - 4:30 pm
State of the School Presentation - 5:15 pm
Kraft Theater
Cocktails & Class Dinner - 6:00 pm
Reunion Celebrations for Class Years ending in 5 or 0
Grand Alumni (alumni who have already celebrated their 50th reunion)
All alumni who have celebrated their 50th Reunion are invited every year.
Sextant Divider
Wardrobe Suggestions
Coat and tie are suggested for gentlemen attending evening events. Casual attire is welcome at all other events.
Please contact the Alumni House with any questions. Registration information will be shared.
Area Hotels
Marriott Aloft - 727 Marrett Road, Lexington | 877-462-5638
Westin Waltham Hotel - 10 Third Avenue, Waltham | 781-290-5600
Reunion Profile
Please use the Reunion Profile form to update us on your life since graduation or simply to update us with new family, address, or business information. A photo (jpeg) and/or short narrative (Word doc) can also be uploaded using this form. To upload multiple files, select them both at the same time. Length and content are subject to editorial approval: some submissions may appear as excerpts.
Narratives and photos are due by June 5 to be included in the Summer-Fall Bulletin.
Reunion Autobiography and Update