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Music plays an important part in the life of the School. The Prenatt Music Center houses the choral and instrumental music programs.

Choral Music

Middle School and Upper School Glee Clubs practice weekly and perform separately and together. At least once a year, the groups collaborate with The Winsor School, presenting a concert together in December. The most committed singers, in addition to work in the Glee Club, have traditionally formed our most celebrated group, the B-Flats. This group meets during the academic day and performs at school functions, as well as in halls across the United States and Europe.


Instrumental Music

Classical, jazz, and rock ensembles meet in the Prenatt Center, where practice rooms and instrument storage are available for all music students. Individual instruction at Belmont Hill is arranged with teachers from outside the school, so there are fewer restraints on choices. The program is organized and supported by the School.

There are showcase performance opportunities for groups and individuals in concerts, recitals, whole-school assemblies and in the semi-annual Coffee House nights.

Fall Concert 2024

Fall Coffee House

Spring Concert - May 2024

Fall Concert - November 2023

Sextant Divider

