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Students walking on campus

For College Representatives

We look forward to seeing you! Belmont Hill is happy to welcome college visitors to our campus - either virtually or in person - to meet with our seniors.

To arrange a visit, please access our visit calendar on RepVisits (available beginning July 1). For questions about scheduling your visit, or to schedule your visit with us directly, please reach out to Sharon Patton at

Address and Directions

350 Prospect Street
Belmont, MA 02478
(617) 484-4410


Parking and Walking Directions to the College Counseling Office

  • Visitor parking is located in the lot off of Marsh Street: after the rotary, enter the Visitor Parking lot (V) on the left. 

  • From the visitor parking lot, take the path to left of the Admission Office building (C), cross the small driveway curving right between the Melvoin Academic Center (D) and the Byrnes Library (O). Proceed to the left, down the walking path, down the hill to the Morse Building (E).

  • The College Counseling Office and Conference Room are located downstairs in the far left corner of the Commons in the Morse Building (E).

Campus Map

The College Counseling Office is located in the Morse Building (E on the campus map)

First page of the PDF file: CampusMap2022