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Community Conversations

Our Community Conversations program connects to the goals of the Belmont Hill Diversity Action Plan, and it works in conjunction with our extensive chapel speaker program as well. We seek to create graduates who become adept not only at oral communication but also in participating in dialogue characterized by intentional listening and a free exchange of ideas. This program seeks to have both age-appropriate conversations within concurrent school-wide themes that emerge from our calendar, speakers, as well as unanticipated world events.

The Community Conversations program is grounded in three critical objectives.

Developing Character

To support our mission of developing young men of character by instilling a sense of empathy, understanding, and service to others in all of our boys.

Cultural Competency

As we seek to prepare all boys to thrive in both the world of Higher Education and a diverse world, we must recognize that Belmont Hill is not fully representative of those worlds. We believe it is essential to provide our boys with the vocabulary and skills needed to live up to our school’s timeless motto of working together with people from a wide array of backgrounds and identities.

Many Voices, One School

By amplifying the myriad voices of our students, we seek to celebrate the diversity of background, talent, and thought that exists in our community. We believe this celebration of difference ultimately fosters a more unified sense of community at Belmont Hill. 

Our Community Conversations are happening throughout campus.

To learn more, explore the links below:

Character Education

Community & Diversity

Speaker Program

Community Conversations