Belmont Hill boys recently performed in a powerful rendition of the classic “Twelve Angry Men.” The drama has been presented in theater and film many times, but certainly has not lost its relevance or intrigue. First performed in 1954, the play feels as urgent today, as it explores rushes to judgment, implicit (and explicit) bias, and the angry discourse pervasive in our society. Twelve Angry Men holds out the optimistic hope that reason may still win the day.
Belmont Hill cast members include: Jordan Summers, Stephen Agular, Jeremy Eaton, Juan Pablo Fernandez del Castillo, Jack Luehrman, David LoGrasso, TJ Cannistraro, Jerry Austen, Tommy Folan, Luke LoPresti, Josh Davis, Daniel Drucker, and Chris Milmoe. Kudos to directors Mr. Conway and Mr. Payne. Sound and scenic design were also handled Mr. Conway.